What does it mean to be a professional?

When a new engineer enters the profession they come with the concepts that form the foundation of electrical engineering. This knowledge is necessary to be a professional but it is not sufficient. There is still a large gap between what a new engineer can do and what a professional engineer can do.

Academic-Professional-OverlapIn addition to knowing about current, voltage, frequency domain, etc. a professional engineer must know how to answer these questions:

  • Do you know how to determine how long a task will take?
  • Do you know when a decision has been made or not?
  • Do you know when you are behind in a task?
  • Do you know the difference between thinking you are done with a task and actually being done?
  • Do you know how to write an email that does not waste people’s time?
  • Do you know what your manufacturing design rules are?
  • Do you know what regulations are applicable to the area you want to work in?
  • Do you now how to set up a test the gives you comparable data?

The Engineer Accelerator will show you answers to all of these questions and more. The curriculum provides a new engineer with an environment that will accelerate their acquisition of these professional skills and make them productive engineers more quickly. It is specifically designed to bridge the gap in professional training that currently exists.